
Command line arguments

usage: be [-i inifile] {-I incpath} {-D symbol} {-S name=val}
          { [-s s1-[s2]] [-d defn] [-a addr] [-f field] }
          {-Y symfmt} {-y symfile[@bias]} [-C dx]
          [-w width] [-h height] [-c colscheme] [-p] [-r] [-v viewflags]
          [-g] [--] { binfile[@addr] | mx![args[@addr]] }
flags: -i inifile       override default initialisation file
       -I incpath       append include path(s) for use by inifile
       -D symbol        pre-$define symbol(s) for use by inifile
       -S name=val      set constant name to be value
       -s s1-s2         set sessions following -d, -a, -f and -p apply to
       -d defn          initial definition to use (default: main)
       -a addr          initial address to use (default: 0)
       -f field         field name within defn (list link, or array to expand)
       -Y symfmt        symbol table format
       -y symfile@bias  input symbol table file(s) (with optional biases)
       -C dx            code disassembler extension
       -w width         set screen width
       -h height        set screen height
       -c colscheme     set colour scheme (0 to 3, default: 0)
       -p               print data to stdout, non-interactive
       -r               restricted mode, no shelling out allowed
       -v viewflags     combinations of A,O,L,I,a,e,b,o,d,h,j,+,-
       -g               perform seg:off->physical mapping on all addresses
       -A size          address space size (8 to 64, default: 32)
       binfile@addr     binary file(s) (with optional address, default: 0)
       mx!args@addr     memory extension with arguments (and optional address)

The -i flag overrides the default initialisation file.

The -I flag affects the operation of the include command in the initialisation file.

The -D flag allows the definition of symbols which may be accessed via the $ifdef and similar directives in the initialisation file.

The -S flag allows the definition of a named constant for use in numeric expressions in the initialisation file.

The editor has 10 editing sessions, and the -d, -a and -f options affect all of these (by default), unless the -s option is used to specify which session(s) are affected. By default only session 0 is shown by -p, but this too can be changed with the -s option.

The initial structure definition and address to decode on all/each session may be overridden with the -d and -a flags. Normally BE starts by looking up the definition of a 'main' definition, and decoding the data at address 0 as such. The address expression is allowed to refer to symbols in symbol tables, as it is evaluated after the symbol tables have been loaded. All the other numeric command line arguments are evaluated before any symbol table loading takes place, and so can't refer to symbols.

If the -f flag is used, it must identify a field within the specified structure. If the field is a pointer to a structure of the same type, BE will initially display a linked list of structures, rather than just one structure. Otherwise, the field is assumed to be an array of fields, and an element list is displayed instead.

Symbol table(s) may be specified using the -y flag. Symbol files are assumed to be the format generated by the ARM linker. However, the -Y flag can be used to tell BE that symbols in other formats follow. Multiple symbol files in differing formats may be specified, as in :-

be -Y aix_nm -y syms.nm -Y arm -y syms.sym ...

See the Symbols page for a description of the supported symbol file formats.

If a bias is specified, then it is added to each symbol value in the file. This is handy when a symbol table contains relative values, rather than absolute addresses.

The -C dx option may be used to extend BE by the use of a disassembler extension. This is a peice of code with a well defined interface, which BE uses to disassemble data annotated as code.

The -w and -h arguments can be used to try to override the current screen size. This doesn't work on UNIX or NetWare, but does on 32 bit DOS, 32 bit OS/2 and Windows. The -c argument allows you to choose from a small selection of colour schemes.

The -p flag causes BE to be invoked in a non-interactive manner. It decodes the address given, as a structure of the type specified, and writes the result to the screen (as stdout). Multiple structure dumps can be obtained by judicious use of the -s flag above.

The -r flag prevents a user of BE from shelling out a nested operating system command.

The -v flag allows you to state that addresses, offsets, lengths and array indices are to be displayed next to the data on display initially (note that -vI turns off indices). You can also turn on the symbolic display of addresses. In addition, you can specify the display mode of indices, one of binary, octal, decimal or hex. The + and - keys affect the initial level of detail of display, and only has effect when used with the -f flag. This is particularly useful when combined with the -p flag. Unfortunately, view flags are global, rather than per-session.

The -g argument is the 'segmented mode' switch. When enabled, BE translates all addresses prior to using them to fetch or store data. ie: address 0xSSSSOOOO is mapped to SSSS*16+OOOO. This is obviously intended for debugging dumps from embedded Intel processor dumps, and anyone with a sensible file format can ignore this flag.

Normally BE operates in a 32 bit address space. -A can be used to change this. For example, you could select a 24 bit address space. In this case BE would ignore bit 24 and above when addressing data, and would only show the bottom 24 bits when displaying addresses. Support for >32 bit address spaces is currently only available on certain operating systems versions of BE.

Multiple input binary files can be specified, and they should be loaded at non-overlapping address ranges.

BE supports the -- to end options and thus allow filenames given afterwards to have names starting with a -.

Each binary file provides data for a part of the memory space which BE can view or edit. Therefore each binary file may be described as a memory section.

Alternatively a memory section may be specified as mx!args. This instructs BE to load a memory extension, and to access the data identified by the arguments via the memory extension. This feature allows BE to be extended to be able to edit non-file data directly, such as sectors on a disk.


Typical invokations of BE might be as shown below.

To edit a file, which is loaded into the BE memory space at 0 onwards :-

be picture.bmp

To edit dumps from the RAM and ROM of a coprocessor. where the ROM starts at 0, and the RAM at 0x8000. gizmo.sym is the symbols for the microcode the coprocessor was running :-

be -y gizmo.sym gizmo.rom gizmo.ram@0x8000

To live edit a running coprocessor. has the symbols for the microcode the coprocessor is running. ucode.ini is a custom initialisation file. BEcoproc.DLL provides BE with access to coprocessor memory. io=0x400,mem=0xc0000 tells BEcoproc.DLL how to find the coprocessor. BEi86.DLL allows BE to disassemble any code in the data :-

be -Y map -y -i ucode.ini -g -C i86 coproc!io=0x400,mem=0xc0000

Display the header at 512 bytes into file.dat. Decoded data is to be written to stdout, BE is not interactive. Addresses are to be displayed next to the data :-

be -d HEADER -a 512 -p -vA file.dat

To pick three structures at three addresses, and to have BE decode and display all three to stdout :-

be -s 1 -d STRUCT1 -a 0x1000 \
   -s 2 -d STRUCT2 -a 0x2000 \
   -s 3 -d STRUCT3 -a 0x3000 \
   -s 1-3 -p \